Certified Safety Training
Jacksonville, FL 32210
Mark Harrison
Paige Chartier

Business Services, Insurance, Training & Education, Risk Management, Compliance
Company Description:
Selected Member Landing Page and Testimonial
Certified Safety Training (CST) is the leader in deathcare OSHA and FTC compliance. Backed by more than 30 years of industry experience and Certified Safety Professionals, CST matches industry expertise with customizable, award-winning programming to make sure that customers have the highest-quality safety programs, plans, training, and advice.
Mark Harrison is the President of Certified Safety Training. Mark has extensive experience in online education and digital training and has launched successful online safety and compliance services in the death care, monument and veterinary industries.
To bring your entire workplace – facility and personnel – into compliance with OSHA and the FTC, contact Certified Safety Training at certifiedsafetytraining.org
Certified Safety Training Offers:
- Award-Winning Products and Customization: Our programs are award-winning and we customize them for each client.
- Price: We provide everything a funeral home, cemetery or crematory needs at an affordable price point.
- Technology: In addition to delivering printed materials, we provide a custom compliance website and house everything--written plans, certificates, posters, certified safety data sheets--online so you never have to worry about backups or recordkeeping.
- Frictionless: We only require one hour of your time (training is taken on demand) and provide unlimited phone and email support.
Funeral Service Compliance Programs Include:
- Custom Compliance Website
- Emergency Action and Fire Safety Program
- Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Program
- Hazard Communication Program and Certified Safety Data Sheets
- Formaldehyde Exposure Control Program
- Respiratory Protection Program
- Personal Protective Equipment Program
- Spill Response Program
- Slips, Trips, and Falls Program
- Ladder Safety Program
- Confined Space Safety Program (Crematory, Freezers, Cemetery)
- Lockout / Tagout Program (Crematory)
- Scissor Lift Safety Program (Cemetery)
- Power Hand Tools Safety Program (Cemetery)
- General Safety Checklist
Each Program Comes Equipped With:
- Written Compliance Plan
- Recordkeeping requirements
- Fact Sheets and Resources
- Customizable OSHA Forms
- Online access to the plan
- One copy of a printed plan with forms for reference
- Printable Posters
- Training Topics and Online Training
- Employee Training Documentation
- Trainer Qualifications
- Annual Program Review
Includes All of The Following Trainings:
- Emergency Action and Fire Safety Training
- Bloodborne Pathogen Exposure Control Training
- Hazard Communication Training
- Respiratory Protection Training
- Personal Protective Equipment Training
- Spill Response Program Training
- Formaldehyde Exposure Control Training
- Back and Lifting Safety Training
- Ergonomic Safety Training
- Slips, Trips, and Falls Training
- Cremation Safety Training
- Sexual Harassment Training
- Workplace Violence Safety Training
- FTC Funeral Rule Training Training
- And More!
Online OSHA Trainings Come With:
- Live Chat
- Real-Time Feedback
- Unlimited Retakes
- Customized Certificate and Proof of Training
- Employee Training Documentation
- No Logins Required
- Cloud-based Recordkeeping
- Compatible on any Computer, Mobile or Tablet Device
- Unlimited technical assistance, by telephone and email
Who is “At-Risk”?
All full- and part-time employees, workers, outside contractors, and anyone who comes into contact with chemicals and deceased human remains during their work at a funeral firm are considered at-risk.
“At-risk” positions include the following:
- Funeral directors, embalmers, interns, trade people, removal personnel, and morgue attendants
- Hairdressers, cosmetologists, housekeepers, and maintenance personnel
- Individuals who handle, prepare and/or disinfect remains (sanitary care), or who perform religious ritual care or cleansing
- Individuals who handle or come in contact with remains, medical waste, and embalming chemicals, no matter how minimal
- Individuals who enter a prep room, no matter how briefly or for whatever reason
Everyone is responsible for creating and maintaining a safe and secure work area. There are no exceptions. Attending training sessions annually will ensure at-risk employees are:
- Knowledgeable about the types of bloodborne pathogens encountered in most funeral home prep rooms
- Familiar with proven methods to reduce exposure risks, and
- Aware of the proper use of personal protection equipment
Funeral Home and Crematory Facility OSHA Requirements Checklist