Ask Questions. Share Your Wisdom: Online Discussion Platform and Linking Leaders Virtual Opportunities
The Selected online Discussion Forum provides you the opportunity to access the knowledge and experience of your peers, any time of the day or night by simply sending an email or accessing the Forum platform. This is the place to find timely answers to your most pressing and difficult questions, offer advice or simply learning from reading the group conversations. Linking Leaders takes the discussion to a virtual meeting platform. Join in on a Zoom call quarterly as we address specific topics of interest to you. This is a virtual opportunity to have dialogue with your peers, access resources and openly share challenges and successes.
Get Connected on The Forum
Selected offers three discussion forums for targeted conversations with specific member segments.
- The General Discussion Forum: This Forum is for conversations about funeral service and Selected. Any member may participate. Send an email to general-forum@sifh.org to send your topic to the group and receive responses.
- The Funeral Home + Cemetery Management Discussion Forum: This Forum is for conversations among Selected members who own combo operations or those contemplating the purchase or development of a cemetery. Send an email to cemetery-forum@sifh.org to send your topic to the group and receive responses.
- The European Discussion Forum: This Forum is for conversations among Members in Europe. Send an email to euro-forum@sifh.org to send your topic to the group and receive responses.
How to Participate
You can participate on The Forum in two ways.
1. Participate Online
To participate online, visit The Forum at Selected Online and start a new discussion topic or reply to an existing one. Please note, you will be required to log in to view the online forum. Your password for The Forum is the same as your password for the rest of Selected's website.
2. Participate via Email
- Receive conversations via email. You may manage your Forum email notifications, which can send you discussion updates as they occur.
- Respond to an existing message via email. Simply hit "reply all" on the message you wish to respond to. Your message will be sent to everyone who is signed up to receive messages from that Forum Group.
- Start a new topic. Send an email directly to the email address associated with the group you wish to participate (see above). Your message will be sent to everyone who is signed up to receive messages from that Forum Group.
Looking for a Past Discussion?
The Forum at Selected Online contains an archive of all topics posted on or after February 1, 2011. After logging in, use the magnifying glass icon on the top right to locate a topic.
The Forum Disclaimer and Terms of Use: The Forum is provided as a service to Selected members only. Selected is not responsible for the opinions posted in these discussions and it disclaims all warranties with regard to information posted by participants. In no event shall Selected be liable for any damages arising from or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted in these discussion groups.