Graystone Associates
Webster, TX 77598
Lisa Streiff
Darrell Simpson

Consultation, Follow-up Surveys, Training & Education, Valuation, Revenue Reporting
Company Description:
Graystone is a business focused, people centered, and data driven consulting firm. We provide strategic advice, data analytics and professional development, specializing in the business of funeral service.
How do full-service, independent firms continue to outperform? They choose Graystone.® And that makes us proud. We’re proud to work with the best funeral business operators in North America. It’s simple ... their success is our success. And, at Graystone, we view success as a continuum. It doesn’t end, it keeps going. The Graystone solution is whole- business, sequential and customized to the specific needs of each client. Graystone’s unique, hands-on approach of holding our clients accountable — in a supportive way — drives the continuum of success forward. Analysis leads to insight. Insight leads to action. Action leads to growth. Growth leads to renewed analysis, raising-the-bar and fueling further growth. And so, it continues.
Ready to learn more? We’re here to lead you towards your success.