Breakout Sessions

Friday, September 27
10:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Jump to a Specific Session:

Passing the Torch: Generational and Key Employee Succession

(In person and virtual)

One of the most critical moments in the lifecycle of a family business is the transfer of ownership to the next generation or key employee. What ought to be straightforward in ownership succession is often complicated, fragile and disruptive. Join us for an in-depth discussion and analysis of real-life succession examples and learnings from fellow Members: Jonathan Holloway with Holloway Funeral Home, Randy Anderson with Radney Funeral Homes and Murrell W. Thornhill, IV with Tharp Funeral Home and Crematory. As many owners desire to keep the family legacy intact and maintain independent ownership, proper planning, communication and transfer of knowledge are crucial in avoiding the pitfalls that can derail the duration of a family-controlled business. Attendees will have the opportunity for interactive dialogue.

How to Create Memorable Experiences Inside Your Funeral Home

(In person only)

Ever wonder why consumers choose one funeral home over another? What is it about that place that made it stand out, and why didn't those consumers choose you instead? If this sounds familiar, then it’s time to reassess your space and revitalize customer areas of your funeral home.

During this presentation you'll learn how to identify your Moments of Truth; how to utilize the Enablers, the things that work together to build a unique customer experience; how to eliminate the Inhibitors, the "sales stoppers' that hide in plain sight; how to work your Impression Points, those important interactions that stick with customers long after a visit, how to look at everything you do from the customers point of view and more.

Georganne Bender, KIZER AND BENDER Speaking! LLC

Unlocking Talent: Innovations in Recruitment and Retention

(In person and virtual)

As the search for top talent becomes increasingly challenging, finding and retaining valuable team members is critical. Discover the keys to successful recruitment and retention strategies in this enlightening session with Selected Members: Joe Fitzgerald with O’Connor Mortuary, Howard McComas, IV with McComas Funeral Home and Crystal Van Orsdel with Van Orsdel Funeral & Cremation Services. They will share their unique approaches while discussing the importance of mentorship and transparency. Learn how to engage current employees to align organizational goals and boost retention rates. There will also be ample time to answer your specific questions.

The Science of Shopping: Elements of a Great Retail Display

(In person only)

When was the last time you remerchandised your selection room? Moved product around, gave it a fresh coat of paint, or spiffed up your signing program? Last year? Five years ago? Never? Then this presentation is for you!

Here's the thing: Retailers have trained your customers to shop – why not use their proven techniques to your advantage? We'll take you on a merchandising journey from the parking lot to the back door and every space in between. You'll learn why first impressions count; which layout is right for your selection room's unique configuration; which display techniques encourage customers to buy, how to work Speed Bump Displays, Strike Zone Merchandising, Power Walls, Cross Merchandising, Visual Curve Merchandising, Vertical Merchandising, Merchandise Outposts and more to increase your selection room's "shelf esteem" – and product sales!

Georganne Bender, KIZER AND BENDER Speaking! LLC